
CWT Bibliography by Author and Year

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Journal Articles

Abbott, D.T., and D.A. Crossley Jr. 1982. Woody litter decomposition following clear-cutting. Ecology 63: 35-42.

Abbott, D.T., T.R. Seastedt, and D.A. Crossley Jr. 1980. The abundance, distribution and effects of clear-cutting on Cryptostigmata in the southern Appalachians. Environmental Entomology 9: 618-623.

Aber, J.D., A. Magill, S.G. McNulty, R.D. Boone, K.J. Nadelhoffer, M. Downs, and R. Hallett. 1995. Forest biogeochemistry and primary production altered by nitrogen saturation. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 85: 1665-1670.

Adams, M., Knoepp, J.D. and Webster, J.R. 2014. Inorganic nitrogen retention by watersheds at Fernow Experimental Forest and Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory. Soil Science Society of America Journal. (DOI: 10.2136/sssaj2013.11.0463nafsc)

Adams, R.K., and J.A. Spotila. 2005. The form and function of headwater streams based on field and modeling investigations in the Southern Appalachian Mountains. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 30: 1521-1546.

Addington, R.N., L.A. Donovan, R.J. Mitchell, J.M. Vose, S.D. Pecot, S.B. Jack, U.G. Hacke, J.S. Sperry, and R. Oren. 2006. Adjustments in hydraulic architecture of Pinus palustris maintain similar stomatal conductance in xeric and mesic habitats. Plant Cell and Environment. 29(4): 535-545.

Albright, T. P., D. P. Anderson. N. S. Keuler. S. M. Pearson. M. G. Turner. 2009. The spatial legacy of introduction: Celastrus orbiculatus in the southern Appalachians, USA. Journal of Applied Ecology, 46:1229-1238

Alexander, E.B. 1988. Rates of soil formations: Implications for soil-loss tolerance. Soil Science 45(1): 37-45.

Alexander, E.B. 1989. Response to the letter to the editor. Soil Science. 148(1): 75-76.

Alexei, S., and M. Pridnia. 1995. A comparison of the southern Appalachian (U.S.A.) and southwestern Caucasus (Russia) forests: influences of historical events and present environment. Journal of Biogeochemistry. 22: 1073-1081.

Allen, C.J., A. Heyes. 1998. A preliminary assessment of wet deposition and episodic transport of total and methyl metcury from low order Blue Ridge watersheds, S.E. U.S.A. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 105: 573-592.

Allen, K.E. & Colson, G., (2019) Understanding PES from the ground up: a combined choice experiment and interview approach to understanding PES in Costa Rica Sustain Sci 14: 391. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11625-018-00653-w

Allen, Karen E. and Rebecca Moore. 2016. Moving beyond the exchange value in the nonmarket valuation of ecosystem services. Ecosystem Services 18:78-86. doi:10.1016/j.ecoser.2016.02.002.

Alverson, A.J., and G.W. Courtney. 2001. Niche overlap of sympatric Blepharicera larvae (Diptera: Blephariceridae) from the southern Appalachian Mountains. Journal of the North American Benthological Society. 20(4): 564-581.

Amos, H.M., C.F. Miniat, J. Lynch, J. Compton, P.H. Templer, L.A. Sprague, D. Shaw, D. Burns, A. Rea, D. Whitfall, L. Myles, D. Gay, M. Nilles, J. Walker, A.K. Rose, J. Bales, J. Deacon, and R. Pouyat. 2018. What Goes Up Must Come Down: Integrating Air and Water Quality Monitoring for Nutrients. Environmental Science & Technology 52(20): pp 11441-11448.

Amy D. Rosemond, Jonathan P. Benstead, Phillip M. Bumpers, Vladislav Gulis, John S. Kominoski, David W. P. Manning, Keller Suberkropp, and J. Bruce Wallace. 2015. Experimental nutrient additions accelerate terrestrial carbon loss from stream ecosystems. Science. 347:1142-1145. DOI:10.1126/science.aaa1958.

Anderson, D.P., Turner, M.G., Pearson, S.M., Albright, T.P., Peet, R.K. and Wieben, A. 2013. Predicting Microstegium vimineum invasion in natural plant communities of the southern Blue Ridge Mountains, USA. Biological Invasions. 15(6):1217-1230. (DOI: 10.1007/s10530-012-0361-3)

Anderson, M. 1989. Forest hydrology and ecology at Coweeta Forestry 62(2).

Andre, H., X. Ducarme, J. Anderson, D. Crossley Jr., H. Koehler, M. Paoletti, D. Walter, and P. Lebrun. 2001. Rebuttal letter re: Skilled eyes are needed to go studying the richness for the soil.Nature. 409(761)

Anglin, Zachard W., Grossman, Gary D. 2013. Microhabitat use by southern brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) in a headwater North Carolina stream. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 22(4):567-577. https://doi.org/10.1111/eff.12059.

April, R., and D. Keller. 1990. Mineralogy of the rhizosphere in forestsoils of the eastern United States. Biogeochemistry 9: 1-18.

Ardon, M., Pringle, C.M., Eggert, S.L. 2009. Does leaf chemistry differentially affect breakdown in tropical vs temperate streams? Importance of standardized analytical techniques to measure leaf chemistry. North American Benthological Society, 28(2):440-

Argerich, A., S.L. Johnson, S.D. Sebestyen, C.C. Rhoades, E. Greathouse, J.D. Knoepp, M.B. Adams, G.E. Likens, J.L. Campbell, W.H. McDowell, F.N. Scatena and G.G. Ice. Trends in stream nitrogen concentrations for forested reference catchments across the USA. 2013. Environmental Research Letters 8:014039 (8pp).

Autry, A., and J. Fitzgerald. 1991. Short Communication: Determination of kinetic parameters for sulfur processing potentials: verification of the constant specific activity approach. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 23(10): 1003-1004.

Autry, A.R., and J.W. Fitzgerald, and P.R. Caldwell. 1990. Sulfur fractions and retention mechanisms in forest soils. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 20: 337-342.

Autry, A.R., and J.W. Fitzgerald. 1990. Sulfonate-S a major form of forest soil organic sulfur. Biology and Fertility of Soil 10: 50-56.

Autry, A.R., and J.W. Fitzgerald. 1991. Organosulfur formation in forest soils: site comparison of kinetic parameters. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 23(7): 689-693.

Autry, A.R., and J.W. Fitzgerald. 1991. Potential for organic sufur accumulation in a variety of forest soils at saturating concentrations of sulfate. Biology Fertility of Soils 10: 281- 284.

Autry, A.R., and J.W. Fitzgerald. 1993. Relationship between microbial activity, biomass and organosulfur formation in forest soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 25(1): 33-39.

Baas P., Knoepp J. D., Mohan J. E. 2019. Well-aerated southern Appalachian forest soils demonstrate significant gaseous nitrogen losses. Forest Ecology and Management: In Press

Baas, Peter & Knoepp, J & Markewitz, Daniel & Mohan, Jacqueline. (2017). Areas of residential development in the southern Appalachian Mountains are characterized by low riparian zone nitrogen cycling and no increase in soil greenhouse gas emissions. Biogeochemistry. DOI:10.1007/s10533-017-0318-9.

Baer, S., Siler, E., Eggert, S., Wallace, J. 2001. Colonization and production of macroinvertebrates on artificial substrata: upstream-downstream responses to a leaf litter exclusion manipulation. Freshwater Biology, 46: 347-365

Baer, S.G., E.R. Siler, S.L. Eggert, and J.B. Wallace. 2001. Colonization and production of macroinvertebrates on artificial substrata: upstream-downstream responses to a leaf litter exclusion manipulation. Freshwater Biology. 46: 347-365.

Bain, D. J, Green, M. B, Campbell, J. L, Chamblee, J.F., Chaoka, S., Fraterrigo, J.M., Kaushal, S. S, Martin, S. L, Jordan, T. E, Parolari, A. J, Sobczak, W. V, Weller, D. E, Wolheim, W. W, Boose, E. R, Duncan, J., Gettel, G. M, Hall, B. R, Kumar, P., Thompson, J. R, Vose, J.M., Elliott, E. M and Leigh, D.S. 2012. Legacy Effects in Material Flux: Structural Catchment Changes Predate Long-Term Studies. Bioscience. 62(6):575-584.

Baker, T.T. and D.H. Van Lear. 1998. Relations between density of rhododendron thickets and diversity of riparian forests. Forest Ecology and Management. 109: 21-32.

Ball, B. A., M. D. Hunter, J. S. Kominoski, C. M. Swan, and M. A. Bradford. 2008. Consequences of non-random species loss on decomposition dynamics: Evidence for additive and non-additive effects. Journal of Ecology 96:303-313.

Ball, B.A., Bradford, M.A. 2009. Nitrogen and Phosphorus Release from Mixed Litter Layers is Lower than Predicted from Single Species Decay. Ecosystems 12: 87-100

Ball, B.A., Bradford, M.A., Coleman, D.C., Hunter, M.D. 2009. Linkages between below and aboveground communities: Decomposer responses to simulated tree species loss are largely additive. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 40: 155-1163.

Band, L. E., McDonnell, J. J., Duncan, J. M., Barros, A., Bejan, A., Burt, T., Dietrich, W. E., Emanuel, R. E., Hwang, T., Katul, G., Kim, Y., McGlynn, B., Miles, B., Porporato, A., Scaife, C. and Troch, P. A. (2014), Ecohydrological flow networks in the subsurface. Ecohydrol., 7: 1073–1078. doi:10.1002/eco.1525

Band, L.E., Hwang, T., Hales, T., Vose, J.M. and Miniat, C.F. 2012. Ecosystem processes at the watershed scale: Mapping and modeling ecohydrological controls of landslides. Geomorphology. 137(1):159-167.

Bardgett, R., Anderson, J., Behan-Pelletier, V. et al. Ecosystems (2001) 4: 421. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10021-001-0020-5

Barrett, J.C., and G.D. Grossman. 1988. Effects of direct current electrofishing on the mottled sculpin. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 8: 112-116.

Barten, P.K. 1989. Forest hydrology and ecology at Coweeta. American Scientist 78: 64.

Bartman, C.E., K.C. Parker, J. Laerm, and T.S. McCay. 2001. Short-Term Response Of Jordan's Salamander To A Shelterwood Timber Harvest In Western North Carolina. Physcial Georgraphy. 22(2): 154-166.

Barton, C.D., Andrews, D.M., Kolka, R.A. 2008. Evaluating Hydroperiod Response in Restored Carolina Bay Wetlands Using Soil Physicochemical Properties. Restoration Ecology 16(4) 668-677.

Beachy, C., Bruce, R. 2003. Life history of a small form of the plethodontid salamander Desmognathus quadramaculatus. Amphibia-Reptilia, 24 (1): 13-26

Beckage, B., and J. Clark. 2005. Does predation contribute to tree diversity? Oecologia. 143: 458-469.

Beckage, B., and J.S. Clark. 2003. Seedling survival and growth of three forest tree species: the role of spatial heterogeneity. Ecology: 84(7): 1849-1861.

Beckage, B., B.D. Kloeppel, J.A. Yeakley, S.F. Taylor, and D.C. Coleman. 2008. Differential effects of understory and overstory gaps on tree regeneration. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society. 135(1):1-11.

Beckage, B., J.S. Clark, B.D. Clinton, and B.L. Haines. 2000. A long-term study of tree seedling recruitment in southern Appalachian forests: the effects of canopy gaps and shrub understudies. Canadian Journal Forestry Research. 30: 1617-1631.

Beckage, B., L. Joseph, P. Belisle, D.B. Wolfson, and W.J. Platt. 2007. Bayesian change-point analyses in ecology. New Phytologist. 174: 456-467.

Beckage, B., M. Lavine, and J. Clark. 2005. Survival of tree seedlings across space and time: estimates from long-term count data. Journal of Ecology. 93: 1177-1184.

Becker, V.E. 1980. Nitrogen Fixing Lichens in Forests of the Southern Appalachian Mountains of North Carolina. The Bryologist 83(1) 29-39.

Beier, C.M., J.L. Horton, J.F. Walker,B.D. Clinton, and E.T. Nilsen. 2005. Carbon limitation leads to suppression of first year oak seedlings beneath evergreen understory shrubs in Southern Appalachian hardwood forests. Plant Ecology. 176: 131-142.

Belden, Lisa K., William E. Peterman, Stephen A. Smith, Lauren R. Brooks, E.F. Benfield, Wesley P. Black, Zhaomin Yang and Jeremy M. Wojdak. 2012. Metagonimoides oregonensis (Heterophyidae: Digenea) Infection In Pleurocerid Snails and Desmognathus quadramaculatus Salamander Larvae In Southern Appalachian Streams. Journal of Parasitology 98(4):760-767.

Bell, D.M. & Clark, J.S. (2016), Seed predation and climate impacts on reproductive variation in temperate forests of the southeastern USA, Oecologia 180: 1223. doi:10.1007/s00442-015-3537-6

Benfield, E.F. 1997. Comparison of litterfall input to streams. In Webster, J.R. and J.L. Meyer (eds.), Stream organic matter budgets. Journal of the North American Benthological Society. 16: 104-108.

Benfield, E.F. and Jack R. Webster. 1985. Shredder abundance and leaf breakdown in an Appalachian Mountain stream. Freshwater Biology 15(1):113-120.

Benfield, E.F., and J.R. Webster. 1991. Effects of forest disturbance on leaf breakdown in southern Appalachian streams. Verhandlungen Internationale Vereinlgung fur Theoretische und Angewandte Linmonogie 24: 1678-1690.

Benfield, E.F., J.R. Webster, J.J. Hutchens, J.L. Tank, and P.A. Turner. 2000. Organic matter dynamics along a streaorder and elevational gradient in a southern Appalachian stream. Verhandlungen International Vereinigung Limnologie. 27:1341-1345.

Benfield, E.F., J.R. Webster, J.L. Tank, and J.J.Hutchens. 2001. Long-Term Patterns in Leaf Breakdown in Streams in Response to Watershed Logging. International Review of Hydrobiology. 86(4-5): 467-474.

Benke, A., Huryn, A., Smock, L., Wallace, J. 1999. Length-mass relationships for freshwater macroinvertebrates in North America with particular reference to the southeastern United States. The North American Benthological Society, 18(3):308-343

Benke, A.C., and J.B. Wallace. 1980. Trophic basis of production among net-spinning caddisflies in a southern Appalachian stream. Ecology 61: 108-118.

Benstead, J., Rosemond, A., Cross, W., Wallace, J., Eggert, S., Suberkropp, K., Gulis, V., Greenwood, J., Tant, C. 2009. Nutrient enrichment alters storage and fluxes of detritus in a headwater stream ecosystem. Ecology, 90(9):2556-2566

Benstead, Jonathan P., and David S. Leigh, 2012, An Expanded Role for River Networks. Nature Geoscience 5:678-679.

Berdanier, A. and J.S. Clark. 2016. Multi-year drought-induced morbidity preceding tree death in Southeastern US forests. Ecological Applications 26(1):17-23. doi: 10.1890/15-0274.1

Berdanier, A. B. and Clark, J. S. (2018), Tree water balance drives temperate forest responses to drought. Ecology, 99: 2506-2514. doi:10.1002/ecy.2499

Berdanier, A. B., and J. S. Clark. 2016. Divergent reproductive allocation trade-offs with canopy exposure across tree species in temperate forests. Ecosphere 7(6):e01313. 10.1002/ecs2.1313

Berdanier, Aaron B., Chelcy F. Miniat, and James S. Clark, (2016) Predictive models for radial sap flux variation in coniferous, diffuse-porous and ring-porous temperate trees Tree Physiol. 36 (8): 932-941 doi:10.1093/treephys/tpw027

Berglund, E.R. 1989. Forest Hydrology and Ecology at Coweeta. Water Resources Bulletin 25(2): 455-458.

Berish, C.W., and H.L. Ragsdale. 1984. Chronological sequence of element concentrations in wood of Carya spp. in the southern Appalachian Mountains. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 15: 477-483.

Berish, C.W., and H.L. Ragsdale. 1986. Metals in low-elevation, Southern Appalachian forest floor and soil. Journal of Environmental Quality 15(2): 183-187.

Bernot, M. J., D. J. Sobota, R. O. Hall, Jr, P. J. Mulholland, W. K. Dodds, J. R. Webster, J. L. Tank, L. R. Ashkenas, L. W. Cooper, C. N. Dahm, S. V. Gregory, N. B. Grimm, S. K. Hamilton, S. L. Johnson, W. H. McDowell, J. L. Meyer, B. Peterson, G. C. Poole, H. M. Valett, et al. 2010. Inter-regional comparison of land-use effects on stream metabolism. Freshwater Biology, 55: 1874-1890.

Bjorkland, R., C.M. Pringle, and B. Newton. 2001. A stream visual assessment protocol (SVAP) for riparian landowners. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 68: 99-125.

Blair, J.M. 1988. Nitrogen, sulfur and phosphorus dynamics in decomposing deciduous leaf litter in the Southern Appalachians. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 20(5): 693-701.

Blair, J.M. 1988. Nutrient release from decomposing foliar litter of three tree species with special reference to calcium, magnesium and potassium dynamics. Plant and Soil 110: 49-55.

Blair, J.M., and D.A. Crossley Jr. 1988. Litter decomposition, nitrogen dynamics and litter microarthropods in a Southern Appalachian hardwood forest 8 years following clearcutting. Journal of Applied Ecology 25: 683-698.

Blair, J.M., D. Crossley Jr., and L.C. Callaham. 1991. A litterbasket technique for measurement of nutrient dynamics in forest floors. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 34: 465-471.

Blair, J.M., D.A. Crossley Jr., and L.C. Callaham. 1992. Effects of litter quality and microarthropods on N-dynamics and retention of exogenous N-15 in decomposing litter. Biol. Fert. Soils 12: 241-252.

Blair, J.M., D.A. Crossley Jr., and S. Rider. 1989. Effects of naphthalene on microbial activity and nitrogen pools in soil-litter microcosms. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 21(4): 507-510.

Blair, J.M., R.W. Parmelee, and M.H. Beare. 1990. Decay rates, nitrogen fluxes, and decomposer communities of single- and mixed-species foliar litter. Ecology 71(5): 1976-1985.

Block, C., Knoepp, J.D. and Fraterrigo, J.M. 2013. Interactive effects of disturbance and nitrogen availability on phosphorus dynamics of southern Appalachian forests. Biogeochemistry. 112:329-342. (DOI: 10.1007/s10533-012-9727-y)

Block, C., Knoepp, J.D., Elliott, K. and Fraterrigo, J.M. 2012. Impacts of Hemlock Loss on Nitrogen Retention Vary with Soil Nitrogen Availability in the Southern Appalachian Mountains. Ecosystems. 15(7):1108-1120. (DOI: 10.1007/s10021-012-9572-9)

Boll, Jan, Erin S. Brooks, Brian Crabtree, Shuhui Dun, and Tammo S. Steenhuis, 2015. Variable Source Area Hydrology Modeling with the Water Erosion Prediction Project Model. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 51(2): 330-342. DOI: 10.1111/1752-1688.12294.

Bolstad, P. V., K. J. Elliott, and C. F. Miniat. 2018. Forests, shrubs, and terrain: top-down and bottom-up controls on forest structure. Ecosphere 9(4):e02185. 10.1002/ecs2.2185

Bolstad, P.V., and J.M. Vose. 2005. Forest and Pasture Carbon Pools and Soil Respiration in the Southern Appalachian Mountains. Forest Science. 51(4): 372-383.

Bolstad, P.V., and T.L. Gragson. 2008. Resource abundance constraints on the early post-contact Cherokee population. Journal of Archeological Science 35:563-576.

Bolstad, P.V., and W.T. Swank. 1997. Cumulative impacts of landuse on water quality in a southern Appalachian watershed. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 33(3): 519-533.

Bolstad, P.V., K. Mitchell, and J.M. Vose. 1999. Foliar temperature-respiration response functions for broad-leaved tree species in the southern Appalachians. Tree Physiology. 19: 871-878

Bolstad, P.V., L. Swift, F. Collins, and J. Regniere. 1998. Measured and predicted air temperatures at basin to regional scales in the southern Appalachian mountains. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 91: 161-176.

Bolstad, P.V., W. Swank, J. Vose. 1998. Predicting Southern Appalachian overstory vegetation with digital terrain data. Landscape Ecology. 13: 271-283.

Bolstad, Paul V., James M. Vose and Steven G. McNulty. 2000. Forest Productivity, Leaf Area, and Terrain in Southern Appalachian Deciduous Forests. Forest Science 47(3):419-427.

Bonito, G.M., D.C. Coleman, B.L. Haines, and M.L. Cabrera. 2002. Can nitrogen budgets explain differences in soil nitrogen mineralization rates of forest stands along an elevations gradient? Forestry Ecology and Management. 176: 563-574.

Booth, D. B., Kraseski, K. A. and Rhett Jackson, C. (2014), Local-scale and watershed-scale determinants of summertime urban stream temperatures. Hydrol. Process., 28: 2427-2438. doi: 10.1002/hyp.9810

Boring, L., and W. Swank. 1984. The role of black locust (Robinia pseudo-acacia) in forest succession. Journal of Ecology 72: 749-766.

Boring, L.R., and W.T. Swank. 1984. Symbiotic nitrogen fixation in regenerating black locust (Robinia pseudo-acacia L.) stands. Forest Science 30(2): 528-537.

Boring, L.R., C.D. Monk, and W.T. Swank. 1981. Early regeneration of a clear-cut Southern Appalachian forest. Ecology 62: 1244-1253.

Boring, L.R., W.T. Swank, J.B. Waide, and G.S. Henderson. 1988. Sources, fates, and impacts of nitrogen inputs to terrestrial ecosystems: review and synthesis: Part 1 of 2. Biogeochemistry 6: 119-159.

Bosch, J.M., and J.D. Hewlett. 1980. A review of catchment experiments to determine the effect of vegetation changes on water yield and evapotrasnpiration. Journal of Hydrology. 55: 3-23.

Boullé, V., Grossman, G.D. 1991. Effects of Rosyside Dace (Clinostomus funduloides) on Microhabitat Use of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 48(7): 1235-1243.

Bradford, M.A., B. W. Watts, C. A. Davies. 2010. Thermal adaptation of heterotrophic soil respiration in laboratory microcosms. Global Change Biology, 16: 1576-1588.

Bradford, M.A., DeVore, J.L., Maerz, J.C., McHugh, J.V., Smith, C.L., Strickland, M.S. 2009. Native, insect herbivore communities derive a significant proportion of their carbon from a widespread invader of forest understories. Biol Invasions.

Bradford, M.A., et al. 2009. Decreased mass specific respiration under experimental warming is robust to the microbial biomass method employed. Ecology Letters, 12: E15-E18.

Bradford, M.A., Strickland, M.S., Devore, J.L., Maerz, J.C. (2012) Root carbon flow from an invasive plant to belowground foodwebs. Plant and Soil. DOI: 10.1007/s11104-012-1210-y

Bradford, M.A., T. Gancos, and C.J. Frost. 2008. Slow-cycle effects of foliear herbivory alter the nitrogen acquistion and population size of Collembola. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 40: 1253-1258

Bradford, Mark A., Ashley D. Keiser, Christian A. Davies, Calley A. Mersmann and Michael S. Strickland. 2013. Empirical evidence that soil carbon formation from plant inputs is positively related to microbial growth. Biogeochemistry 113: 271-281.

Bradford, Mark A., Robert J.Warren II, Petr Baldrian, Thomas W. Crowther, Daniel S. Maynard, Emily E. Oldfield,William R.Wieder, Stephen A.Wood and Joshua R. King, 2014. Climate Fails to Predict Wood Decomposition at Regional Scales. In Nature Climate Change, Letters, advanced online publication at www.nature.com/natureclimatechange

Brannan, J.R., J.A. Reneke, and J. Waide. 1984. A diffusion model of forest succession. Mathematical Biosciences 69: 131-149.

Brantley, S. T., Miniat, C. F., Elliott, K. J., Laseter, S. H. and Vose, J. M. (2014), Changes to southern Appalachian water yield and stormflow after loss of a foundation species. Ecohydrology. Doi: 10.1002/eco.1521

Brantley, S.T., Miniat, C.F. and Vose, J.M. 2013. Future species composition will affect forest water use after loss of eastern hemlock from southern Appalachian forests. Ecological Applications. 23(4):777-790. (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1890/12-0616.1)

Brantley, ST, Miniat, CF, Bolstad, PV. Rainfall partitioning varies across a forest age chronosequence in the southern Appalachian Mountains. Ecohydrology. 2019; 12:e2081. https://doi.org/10.1002/eco.2081

Brantley, Steven T., Mayfield, Albert (Bud), Jetton, Robert M., Miniat, Chelcy F., Zietlow, David R.;, Brown, Cindi L., Rhea, Rusty (2017), Elevated light levels reduce hemlock woolly adelgid infestation and improve carbon balance of infested eastern hemlock seedlings, Forest Ecology and Management, 386:150-160, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2016.11.028

Brantley, Steven T., Morgan L. Schulte, Paul V. Bolstad, and Chelcy F. Miniat. 2016. Equations for Estimating Biomass, Foliage Area, and Sapwood of Small Trees in the Southern Appalachians. Forest Science. 62(4)414-421. http://dx.doi.org/10.5849/forsci.15-041.

Brian J. Burke, Meredith Welch-Devine, Seth Gustafson, Nik Heynen, Jennifer L. Rice, Ted L. Gragson, Sakura R. Evans & Donald R. Nelson (2015): Can Science Writing Collectives Overcome Barriers to More Democratic Communication and Collaboration? Lessons from Environmental Communication Praxis in Southern Appalachia, Environmental Communication, DOI: 10.1080/17524032.2014.999695

Britton, K., W. Pepper, D. Loftis, and D. Chellemi. 1994. Effect of timber harvest practices on populations of Cornus florida and severity of dogwood anthracnose in western North Carolina. Plant Disease 78(4): 398-402.

Britton, K.O. 1993. Anthracnose infection of Dogwood seedlings exposed to natural inoculum in western North Carolina. Plant Disease. 77(1): 34-37.

Brookshire, E.N.J., H.M. Valett, S.A. Thomas, and J.R. Webster. 2005. Coupled cycling of dissolved organic nitrogen and carbon in forest streams. Ecology 86(9): 2487-2496.

Brookshire, J., S. Gerber, J.R. Webster, J.M. Vose, and W.T. Swank. Direct effects of temperature on forest nitrogen cycling revealed through analysis of long term watershed records. Global Change Biology

Brookshite, E.N.J, Valett, H.M., Gerber, S. 2009. Maintenance of terrestrial nutrient loss signatures during in-stream transport. The Ecological Society of America, 90(2): 293-299

Bruce, R. 2011. COMMUNITY ASSEMBLY IN THE SALAMANDER GENUS DESMOGNATHUS. Herpetological Monographs, 25, 1-24. Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org/stable/41406828

Bruce, R. C. 2010. Proximate contributions to adult body size in two species of dusky salamanders (Plethodontidae: Desmognathus). Herpetologica, 66(4): 393-402.

Bruce, R.C. 1988. Life history variation in the salamander Desmognathus quadramaculatus. Herpetologica 44(2): 218-227.

Bruce, R.C. 2013. Size-Mediated Tradeoffs in Life-History Traits in Dusky Salamanders. Copeia. (DOI: 10.1643/CE-12-120)

Bruce, R.C., and N.G. Hairston Sr. 1990. Life-history correlates ofbody-size differences between two populations of the salamander, Desmognathusmonticola. Journal of Herpetology 24(2): 124-134.

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Theses and Dissertations

Abbott, David T.. 1980. Woody litter decomposition at Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory, North Carolina. Ph.D. Dissertation. Athens, GA: University of Georgia

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Adams, Janey C.. 1998. The role of leaf litter and small wood in the retention of fine particles during storms in an Appalachian headwater stream. M.S. Thesis. Blacksburg, VA: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Addington, Robert N.. 2001. Water Use Patterns and Stomatal Responses to Environment in Longleaf Pine on Contrasting Sites. M.S. Thesis. Athens, GA: University of Georgia

Adler, Robert C.. 1988. Intervention analysis of the impact of forest harvesting on streamflow at Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory, North Carolina. M.S. Thesis. Boston, MA: Boston University

Albright, Thomas P.. 2007. Invasive plant disturbances: lessons from native and exotic ranges.. Ph.D. Dissertation. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin-Madison.

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Anglin, Zachary W. 2012. Microhabitat Use and Movement by southern Brook Trout (SALVELINUS FONTINALIS) in a North Carolina Stream. M.S. Thesis. Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia.

Apsley, David K.. 1987. Growth interactions and comparative water relations of Liriodendron tulipifera L. and Robinia pseudoacacia L.. M.S. Thesis. Athens, GA: University of Georgia

Ardon Sayao, Marcelo Luis. 2006. Effects of leaf litter quality on decomposition dynamics in lowland Neotropical streams. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Georgia.

Argo, Barry W.. 1998. Macroclimate and microclimate effects on flowering phenology and habitat distribution of Caulophyllum (Berberidaceae) in the Southern Appalachian Mountains. M.S. Thesis. Athens, GA: University of Georgia

Baas, Peter (2014) Nitrogen cycling, greenhouse gas emissions and land-use change in the southern Appalachian Mountains, PhD Dissertation. University of Georgia.

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Baker, Terrell T.. 1994. The Influence of Rhododendron maximum on species richness in the riparian ecosystem of Wine Spring Creek. M.S. Thesis. Clemson, SC: Clemson University

Ball, Becky A.. 2007. Disentangling effects of litter diversity: non-random species loss, cross-system linkages, and ecosystem function.. Ph.D. Dissertation. Athens, GA: University of Georgia

Barlow, Paige F. Ecological, Economic, and Social Dynamics Associated with Exurban Development in Southern Appalalchia. 2014. PhD Dissertation. University of Georgia.

Barrett, Jeffery C.. 1988. Effects of competition and resource availability on behavior, microhabitat use and distribution of the mottled sculpin Cottus bairdi. Ph.D. Dissertation. Athens, GA: University of Georgia

Beasley, Camille J. 2013. Avian communities in suspended development: Disentangling mechanistic effects of changing habitat structure versus human habitation. MS Thesis. University of Georgia.

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Beier, Colin M.. 2002. The influence of dense understory shrubs on the ecology of canopy tree recruitment in southern Appalachian forest.. M.S. Thesis. Blacksburg, VA: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Bennett, Barbara L.. 1998. Land use influences on benthic invertebrate assemblages in southern Appalachian agricultural streams. M.S. Thesis. Blacksburg, VA: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Bernardes, Sergio. Climatic Variability and changes in greenness and primary production in the Southeastern United States. 2013. PhD Dissertation. University of Georgia.

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Biever, Lawrence J.. 1982. The role of mycorrhizal fungi in ecosystem energetics. Ph.D. Dissertation. Athens, GA: University of Georgia

Blair, John M.. 1987. Litter decomposition, nutrient dynamics and litter microarthropods on a clearcut and reference watershed at the Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory in the Southern Appalachians. Ph.D. Dissertation. Athens, GA: University of Georgia

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Block, Connie 2012, Interactive effects of hemlock mortality and nitrogen availability on nutrient pools and fluxes in the southern Appalachian Mountains, MS Thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champain IL.

Bonito, Gregory M.. 2001. Factors regulating nitrogen mineralization rates of an oak pine and hardwood forest along an elevation gradient. M.S. Thesis. Athens, GA: University of Georgia

Boring, Lindsay R.. 1979. Early forest regeneration and nutrient conservation on a clearcut southern Appalachian watershed. M.S. Thesis. Athens, GA: University of Georgia

Boring, Lindsay R.. 1982. The role of black locust (Robinia pseudo-acacia L.) in forest regeneration and nitrogen fixation in the southern Appalachians. Ph.D. Dissertation. Athens, GA: University of Georgia

Brookshire, Jack N. J.. 2006. The organic nature and atmosphere-climate dependency of nitrogen loss from forest watershed ecosystems. Ph.D. Dissertation. Blacksburg, VA: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Brown, Jeffery D.. 1985. Growth and nutrient uptake responses to changing nutrients by plant species from a southern Appalachian succession. M.S. Thesis. Athens, GA: University of Georgia

Bryan, Debra S.. 1994. Factors controlling the occurrence and distribution of hematite and goethite in soils and saprolites derived from schists and gneisses in western North Carolina. M.S. Thesis. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan

Bumpers, Phillip M. (2014) Headwater stream salamander responses to experimental gradients of nutrient enrichment, University of Georgia Graduate School

Burcher, Chris L.. 2005. Biotic and abiotic response to rural development and legacy agriculture by southern Appalachian streams. Ph.D. Dissertation. Blacksburg, VA: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Butler, Sarah M.. 2006. Forest disturbance history and stand dynamics of the Coweeta basin, western North Carolina. M.S. Thesis. Orono, ME: University of Maine

Caldwell, Penny R.. 1988. Analysis of organic and inorganic sulfur in forest soils. M.S. Thesis. Athens, GA: University of Georgia

Callaham, Leslie C.. 1990. The Effects of Naphthalene on Non-Target Organisms When Used as a Biocide for Microarthropod Reduction. M.S. Thesis. Athens, GA: University of Georgia.

Cameron, C. 2015. Chemostratigrapic investigations of beaver wetlands along Jarrett Creek, North Carolina, USA. Master's Thesis. The University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia.

Cargo, Dale M.. 1996. Factors controlling export of suspended sediments from two second order southern Appalachian Mountain stream watersheds. M.S. Thesis. Durham, NC: Duke University

Carlile, Lawerence D.. 1994. Breeding songbird populations on experimental watersheds and pitch pine gaps at the Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory, North Carolina. M.S. Thesis. Athens, GA: University of Georgia

Casey, Erin D.. 2002. Phylogeography and genetic diversity of the Seal salamander (Desmognathus monticola). M.S. Thesis. Charleston, IL: Eastern Illinois University.

Cecala, Kristen K. The Role of Behavior in Influencing Headwater Salamander Responses to Anthropogenic Development. Ph.D. Dissertation. 2012. University of Georgia.

Chang, Chin S.. 1993. Genetic structure of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) at Coweeta, North Carolina. M.S. Thesis. Athens, GA: University of Georgia

Cheever, Beth Marie. 2012. Microbial and metazoan effects on nutrient dynamics during leaf decomposition in streams. Blacksburg, VA. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. 94p. Ph. D. dissertation.

Chiao, Erica. 2005. Benthic macroinvertebrates of a southern Appalachian wild and scenic river: Patterns in assemblage structure and ecological processing. Ph.D. Dissertation. Athens, GA: University of Georgia

Chitwood, Ryan W. 2017. Demographic Drivers of Black-Throated Blue Warbler Population Dynamics at the Trailing Edge and Core of the Species' Range. M.S. Thesis. Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources. University of Georgia

Chung, Keun. 1992. Recovery of macroinvertebrate fauna from insecticide-induced disturbance in small headwater streams.. Ph.D. Dissertation. Athens, GA: University of Georgia.

Clark, Sherri H.. 1990. A study of factors controlling the isotopic composition of water within a forested watershed. M.S. Thesis. Athens, GA: University of Georgia

Cline Mason H., (2015). Communication, reproduction, and survival of a long-distance migratory songbird, the Black-throated Blue Warbler (Setophaga caerulescens), PhD Dissertation, Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia

Clinton, Barton D.. 1989. Characteristics of drought-induced canopy gaps and subsequent regeneration patterns in mixed-oak forests of the Coweeta Basin. M.S. Thesis. Athens, GA: University of Georgia

Coats, William A. 2016. The Effects of Gaps in Riparian Forest Cover on Abiotic Stream Conditions in the southern Appalachians. M.S. Thesis. University of Georgia.

Collins, Fred C.. 1996. A comparison of spatial interpolation techniques in temperature estimation. Ph.D. Dissertation. Blacksburg, VA: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Cooley, Nicolette E.. 2004. Understanding traditional knowledge for ecological restoration: a qualitative study with the Eastern Band of Cherokee. M.S. Thesis. Flagstaff, AZ: Northern Arizona University

Costa, James T.. 1988. A diel comparison of the structure and composition of canopy arthropod communities of three tree species in the southern Appalachians. M.S. Thesis. Athens, GA: University of Georgia

Coughlan, Michael R. 2013. Fire Use, Landscape Transition, and the Socioecological Strategies of Households in the French Western Pyrenees. PhD Dissertation. University of Georgia.

Cowie, Gail M.. 1986. Benthic macroinvertebrates in a river with modified flow. M.S. Thesis. Athens, GA: University of Georgia.

Craig, Matthew E. 2014. Biogeochemical Effects of an Invasive Grass Across a Land-use Gradient: Linking Alterations of Nitrogen Cycling to Depleted Soil Carbon Pools. MS Thesis. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Crawford, John A.. 2007. Beyond the edge: riparian habitat use and forest management effects on stream salamanders in the southern Appalachian.. Ph.D. Dissertation. Columbia, MO: University of Missouri-Columbia.

Crocker, Max A. T.. 1986. Interstitial dissolved organic carbon at aspring seep. M.S. Thesis. Athens, GA: University of Georgia

Cross, Wyatt F.. 2004. Nutrient enrichment of a detritus-based stream ecosystem: effects on invertebrate community structure and function.. Ph.D. Dissertation. Athens, GA: University of Georgia

D'Angelo, Donna J.. 1990. Mechanisms governing phosphorus retention in streams. Ph.D. Dissertation. Blacksburg, VA: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Davidson, Eric A.. 1986. Gaseous nitrogen losses from two forested watersheds via nitrification and denitrification. Ph.D. Dissertation. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University

Davis, J.M. 2009. EFood Web Response to Long-Term Experimental Enrichment of a Detritus-Based Stream Ecosystem. [dissertation]. Athens (GA): University of Georgia.

Davis, James R.. 1992. Nesting and brood ecology of the wild turkey in the mountains of western North Carolina. Ph.D. Dissertation. Clemson, SC: Clemson University

Davis, Jonathan P.. 1998. Fine root dynamics along an elevational gradient in the southern Appalachian Mountains, USA. M.S. Thesis. Athens, GA: University of Georgia

Dechant, Thomas. 1979. Relationships between the intragravel environment and egg and alevin mortality in three southern Appalachian trout streams. M.S. Thesis. Cullowhee, NC: Western Carolina University

Deshefy, Gregory S.. 1978. Genetic variability in populations of the fall cankerworm, Alsophila pometaria, in defoliated forests in the southern Appalachians. M.S. Thesis. Clemson, SC: Clemson University

Dietze, Michael C.. 2006. Regeneration dynamics in large forest gaps. Ph.D. Dissertation. Durham, NC: Duke University.

Diez, Jeffrey M.. 2006. Ecological dynamics of a terrestrial orchid symbiosis. Ph.D. Dissertation. Athens, GA: University of Georgia.

DiStefano, Robert J.. 1987. Effects of acidification on the crayfish Cambarusbartonii bartonii in southern Appalachian streams. M.S. Thesis. Blacksburg, VA: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Dlamini, Eunice T.. 1990. Pinus strobus needle ethanol-soluble proline and ethanol-insoluble protein contents of air- and ozone-fumigated new foliage. M.S. Thesis. Atlanta, GA: Clark-Atlanta University

Dobbs, Marion M.. 1995. Spatial and temporal distribution of the evergreen understory in the southern Appalachians. M.S. Thesis. Athens, GA: University of Georgia

Dobbs, Marion M.. 1998. Dynamics of the evergreen understory at Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory, North Carolina. Ph.D. Dissertation. Athens, GA: University of Georgia

Drumheller, David. 1979. Organization and function of Desmognathus salamander communities in southern Appalachian stream ecosystems. M.S. Thesis. Clemson, SC: Clemson University

Dudley, Maura P. 2018. Assessing the Importance of a Dominant Understory Shrub, Rhododendron maximum, to Riparian Forest and Headwater Stream Ecosystems of the southern Appalachian Mountains. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Georgia.

Eggert, Susan L.. 2003. Resource use by detritivorous macroinvertebrates in southern Appalachian headwater streams. Ph.D. Dissertation. Athens, GA: University of Georgia

Eliason, Kevin M. 2017. The Short Term Responses of Benthic Macroinvertebrates to the Removal of Riparian Rhododendron in Southern Appalachian Streams. M.S. Thesis. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Ely, Damon T.. 2005. Long-term Response of Stream Invertebrates to Catchment Logging. M.S. Thesis. Athens, GA: University of Georgia

England, Laura E.. 2003. Riparian forest cover at multiple scales: influences on instream habitat, aquatic assemblages, and food webs in headwater streams. M.S. Thesis. Athens, GA: University of Georgia

Evans, Sakura R. 2013. Exurbanizing water: stream management decision-making among newcomer and generational landowners in southern Appalachia. PhD Dissertation. University of Georgia.

Fallas, J.. 1982. Effects of clearcutting, vegetation regrowth and reforestation on a flow duration on three Coweeta experimental basins. M.S. Thesis. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan

Ferrari, Brittney A. 2016. Presence of Genetic Structure Between Central and Climate Threatened Trailing-Edge Populations of Canada Warblers (CARDELLINA CANADENSIS). M.S. Thesis. Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia.

Fettinger, Jennifer L.. 2002. Ruffed Grouse Nesting Ecology and Brood Habitat in Western North Carolina. M.S. Thesis. Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee

Flood, Margi G.. 1987. Microhabitat use by Brachycentrus spinae ross (trichoptera) in a fourth order Appalachian stream. M.S. Thesis. Athens, GA: University of Georgia

Francl, Karen E.. 2003. Community characterization of high elevation central Appalachian wetlands.. Ph.D. Dissertation. Athens, GA: University of Georgia

Fraterrigo, Jennifer M.. 2005. Influence of land-use change on the long-term persistence of forest understory herbs in southern Appalachian highlands. Ph.D. Dissertation. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin - Madison.

Freeman, Mary C.. 1990. Foraging behavior of the rosyside dace, Clinostomus funduloides: the importance of social interactions. Ph.D. Dissertation. Athens, GA: University of Georgia

Freilich, Jerome E.. 1990. Factors affecting movement patterns of individually tagged Pteronarcys Californica stonefly nymphs in a Rocky Mountain stream. Ph.D. Dissertation. Athens, GA: University of Georgia.

Frisch, John R. 2013. Use of Occupancy Models to Examine Stream Consumer Prevalence Across a Land Cover Gradient in the southern Appalachians, USA. M.S. Thesis. University of Georgia.

Frost, Christopher J.. 2005. Direct and Indirect Effects of Insect Herbivores on Terrestrail Ecosystem Processes. Ph.D. Dissertation. Athens, GA: University of Georgia

Gardiner, Edward P.. 1995. Scale-dependent heterogeneity of soil properties at Coweeta. M.S. Thesis. Athens, GA: University of Georgia

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Gaskin, Julia W.. 1987. Water and soluble movement in the soil of a Pinus strobus plantation during storm events. M.S. Thesis. Athens, GA: University of Georgia

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Conference Proceedings (Published Papers and Abstracts)

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Burke, K. 2004. Riparian zone structure and function in southern Appalachian forested headwater catchments, pp. 60-76. In Proceedings, Land use change and implications for biodiversity on the Highlands plateau: A report by the Carolina Environmental Program: Part A, 10 December 2004, Highlands, NC. Highlands Biological Station, Highlands, NC.

Bush, P.B., D.G. Neary, J.F. Dowd, D.C. Allison, and W.L. Nutter. 1987. Role of models in environmental impact assessment. Proceedings of Southern Weed Science Society 39: 502-516.

Chiao, E., and J.B. Wallace. 2003. Bioassessment metrics and deposited sediments in tributaries of the Chattooga River watershed. In Hatcher, K.J. (ed.), Proceedings of the 2003 Georgia Water Resources Conference, 23-24 April 2003, Athens, GA. Institute of Ecology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA.

Clinton, B.D. 1995. Temporal variation in photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) in mesic Southern Appalachian hardwood forests with and without Rhododendron understories, pp.534-540. In Gottschalk, K.W., and S.L. Fosbroke (eds.), Proceedings, 10th Central Hardwood Forest Conference, 5-8 March 1995, Morgantown, WV. General Technical Report NE-197. USDA Forest Service, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station, Rendor, PA.

Clinton, B.D., and J.M. Vose. 2000. Plant succession and community restoration following felling and burning in the Southern Appalachian Mountains, pp.22-29. In Moser, W.K., and C.F. Moser (eds.), Fire and Forest Ecology: Innovative Silviculture & Vegetation Management: Tall Timbers Fire Ecology ConferenceProceedings, 14-16 April 1998, Tallahassee, FL. No. 21. Tall Timbers Research Station, Tallahassee, FL.

Clinton, B.D., and J.M. Vose. 2007. Fuels consumption and nitrogen loss following prescribed fire: a comparison of prescription types in the southern Appalachians, pp. 231-240. In Buckley, D.S., and W.K. Clatterbuck (eds.), Proceedings 15th Central Hardwood Forest Conference, 27 February - 1 March 2006, Knoxville, TN. General Technical Report SRS-101. USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Asheville, NC.

Clinton, B.D., J.M. Vose, J.D. Knoepp, and K.J. Elliott. 2003. Stream nitrate response to different burning treatments in southern Appalachian forests, pp. 174-181. In Galley, K.E.M., R.C. Kilinger, and N.G. Sugihara (eds.), Proceedings of Fire Conference 2000: The First National Congress on Fire Ecology, Prevention, and Management. Tallahassee, FL. Miscellaneous Publication No. 13. Tall Timbers Research Station, Tallahassee, FL.

Clinton, Barton D. et. al., (LIDET) Long-Term Intersite Decomposition Experiment Team. 1995. Meeting the Challenge of Long-Term, Broad-Scale Ecological Experiments. Publication 19. LTER Network Office, Seattle, WA.

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Douglass, J.E., and W.T. Swank. 1983. Effects of acid precipitation on nutrient cycling in terrestrial ecosystems of southern Appalachian and Piedmont watersheds: Task Force project T-20. In Proceedings, EPA/NCSU National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program Effects Research Review, 21-24 February 1983, Raleigh, NC.

Douglass, J.E., D.H. Van Lear, and C. Valverde. 1983. Stormflow changes after prescribed burning and clearcutting pine stands in South Carolina Piedmont. In Proceedings of the second biennial southern silvicultural research conference, 2-4 November 1982, Atlanta, GA. General Technical Report SE-24. USDA Forest Service, Southeastern Forest Experiment Station, Asheville, NC.

Eberts, S.M., C.W. Schalk, J. Vose, and G.J. Harvey. 1999. Hydrologic effects of cottonwood trees on a shallow aquifer containing trichloroethene. In Proceedings, Hydrological Science and Technology Special Issue 4th; USA/CIS Joint Conference: Hydrological Issues of the 21st. Century: Ecology, Environment and Human Health, 7-10 November 1999, San Francisco, CA. American Institute of Hydrology, Smyrna, GA.

Elliot, W.J., D. Flanagan, and J.M. Laflen. 2002. Predicting peak runoff rates from snowmelt with the WEPP model. In Proceedings, 2002 ASAE Annual International Meeting/CIGR XVth World Congress, 28-31 July 2002, Chicago, IL. ASAE Paper Number 02-8009. American Society of Agricultural Engineers, St. Joseph, MI.

Elliott, K.J., J.M. Vose, and W.T. Swank. 2000. Fire as a silvicultural tool to improve southern Appalachian pine-hardwood stands. In Moser, W.K., and C.F. Moser (eds.), Fire and Forest ecology: innovative Silviculture and vegetation management; Tall Timbers Fire Ecology Conference Proceedings, No. 21. Tall Timbers Research Station, Tallahassee, FL.

Elliott, K.J., J.M. Vose, B.D. Clinton, and J.D. Knoepp. 2004. Effects of understory burning in a mesic mixed-oak forest o fthe southern Appalachians, pp. 272-283. In Engstrom, R.T., K.E.M. Galley, and W.J. de Groot (eds.), Proceedings of the 22nd Tall Timbers Fire Ecology Conference: Fire in Temperate, Boreal, and Montane Ecosystems. Tallahassee, FL. Tall Timbers Research Station, Tallahassee, FL.

Elliott, K.J., Vose, J.M. 2008. Pine regeneration following wildland fire. In: Olberding, Susan D., and Moore, Margaret M., tech coords. Fort Valley Experimental Forest - A Century of Research 1908-2008. Conference Proceedings; August 7-9, 2008; Flagstaff, AZ. Proceedings RMRS-P-53CD. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. p. 222-230.

Fitzgerald, J.W., and D.W. Johnson. 1982. Transformations of sulphate in forested and agricultural lands. In More, A.I. (ed.), Proceedings:International Sulphur '82 Conference, 14-17 November 1982, London.

Ford, W.M., M.A. Menzel, T.S. McCay, J.W.Gassett, and J. Laerm. 2000. Woodland Salamander and Small Mammal Responses to Alternative Silvicultural Practices in the Southern Appalachians of North Carolina. In Proceedings Annual Conference Southeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, 28 October - 1 November 2000, Baton Rouge, LA. Southeast Association of Fish and Wildlife. 54: 241-250.

Fox, T.R., J.A. Burger, R.E. Kreh, and J.E. Douglass. 1983. An overview of watershed and nutrient cycling research at the Reynolds Homestead Research Center. In Proceedings of the second biennial southern silvicultural research conference, 2-4 November 1982, Atlanta, GA. General Technical Report SE-24. USDA Forest Service, Southeastern Forest Experiment Station, Asheville, NC.

Grace, J.M. III, and B.D. Clinton. 2006. Forest road management to protect soil and water, pp.1-13. In 2006 American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting, 9-12 July 2006, Portland, OR. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, MI.

Gragson, T.L., Coughlan, M.G., Leigh, D.S., 2017. Contingency & Agency in the Holocene Anthropization of Mountain Landscapes of the Western Pyrenees. Paper presented at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria

Gragson, T.L., Coughlan, M.R., Leigh, D.S., Response Diversity and the Evolution of Pastoral Landscapes in the Western Pyrenees from the Middle Holocene to the Present. Paper presented at the International Landscape Archaeology Conference, 20 June, 2018, Newcastle University, Newcastle, U.K.

Graves, Rose A., Pearson Scott M., Turner Monica G. (2016), Landscape dynamics of floral resources: implications for cultural ecosystem service supply in the Southern Appalachians, US-IALE 2016 Annual Meeting, Asheville, NC

Greenland, D., and L.W. Swift Jr. 1990. Introduction to LTER workshop on climate variability and ecosystem response. In Climate variability and ecosystem response: proceedings of along-term ecological research workshop, 21-23 August 1988, Boulder, CO. General Technical Report SE-65. USDA Forest Service, Southeastern Forest Experiment Station, Asheville, NC.

Greenland, D., and L.W. Swift Jr. 1990. Overview of climate variability and ecosystem response. In Climate variability and ecosystem response: proceedings of a long-term ecological research workshop, 21-23 August, 1988, Boulder, CO. General Technical Report SE-65. USDA Forest Service, Southeastern Forest Experiment Station, Asheville, NC.

Grossman, G.D., J. Hill, and J.T. Petty. 1995. Observations on habitat structure, population regulation, and habitat use with respect to evolutionarily significant units: a landscape perspective for lotic systems. American Fisheries Society Symposium. 17: 381-391.

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Haines, B., M. Black, and C. Bayer. 1989. Sulfur emissions from roots of the rain forest tree Stryphnodendron excelsum. In Proceedings, American Chemical Society: Biogenic sulfur in the environment, ACS Symposium Series No. 393, 194th meeting of the American Chemical Society, Division of Environmental Chemistry. 30 August - 4 September 1987, New Orleans, LA. American Chemical Society, Washington, DC.

Harris, W.F., D. Santantonio, and D. McGinty. 1980. The dynamic belowground ecosystem. In Forests: fresh perspectives from ecosystem analysis: proceedings of the 40th annual biology colloquium, 27-28 April 1979, Corvallis, OR. Oregon State Press, Corvallis, OR.

Harshbarger, T.J. 1978. Factors affecting regional trout stream productivity. In Proceedings of the southeastern trout resource: ecology and management symposium, 24-25 October 1975, Blacksburg, VA. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA.

Harshbarger, T.J. 1980. Effects of changed structural habitat on trout and invertebrate populations. In Proceedings of the trout stream habitat improvement workshop, 3-6 November 1980, Asheville, NC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Atlanta, GA.

Hedman, C.W., and D.H. Van Lear. 1994. Large woody debris loading patterns in southern appalachian streams. In Conference: Riparian ecosystems in the humbid U.S.: functions, values and management, 15-18 March 1993, Atlanta, GA. National Association of Conservation Districts, Washington, DC.

Henderson, G.S., W.T. Swank, and J.W. Hornbeck. 1980. Impacts of sulfur deposition on the quality of water from forested watersheds. In Potential environmental and health consequences of atmospheric sulfur deposition: proceedings of the second life science symposium, 14-18 October 1979, Gatlinburg, TN. Ann Arbor Science Publications, Incorporated, Ann Arbor, MI.

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Jackson, C. R., Coats, W. A. (2017), Can riparian forest cover cool streams that have warmed in the sun?, AEES 17th Annual Meeting, Athens, GA

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Jones, B.C., and C.A. Harper. 2006. Ruffed Grouse (Bonasa umbellus) use of stands harvested via alternative regeneration methods in the southern Appalachians. In Proceedings, 15th central hardwood forest conference, Knoxville, TN. General Technical Report SRS-101. USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Asheville, NC.

Knoepp, J.D., J.M. Vose, K.J. Elliott, B.D. Clinton, C.R. Ford, and B.D. Kloeppel. 2005. Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Research at the Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory. In Proceedings, Save our hemlocks third symposium on hemlock woolly adelgid in the eastern United States.

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Leigh, D.S., Gragson, T.L., 2017. Soil Biogeochemical and Biophysical Footprint of Forest to Pasture Conversion in the Western Pyrenees Mountains, France. Paper presented at the American Geophysical Union annual meeting in New Orleans, LA

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Conference Posters and Presentations

Agarwal, P., T. Mohave, H. Yu, and J. S. Clark. 2011. Exploiting temporal coherence in forest dynamics simulation. SCoG 2011 Symposium on Computational Geometry, June 13–15, 2011, Paris, France.

Baas, Peter; Mohan, Jacqueline E.; Markewitz, Daniel; Knoepp, Jennifer D, 2014, Assessing Heterogeneity in Soil Nitrogen Cycling: A Plot-Scale Approach, Soil Science Society of America Journal, 78:S237-S247, doi:10.2136/sssaj2013.09.0380nafsc

Ballantyne, F., C. Song, J. Ruegg, A.D. Rosemond, W.K. Dodds. 2017. Thermal performance curves for whole ecosystem metabolism reveal pronounced thermal optima. 63rd Annual Society for Freshwater Science Annual meeting, Raleigh, NC, USA.

Band, L.E., Hwang, T., Duncan, J.M., Tague, C., 2010. "Coupled ecosystem-geomorphic controls on the generation and transport of nitrogen through watersheds." American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2010

Benson, M., Oishi, A.C., Miniat, C., Missik, J. and Novick, K.A. 2018. Anisohydric species have more vulnerable xylem than isohydric species in Eastern US forests. AGU Fall Meeting, Washington DC, USA.

Benson, M.C., Denham, S.O., Missik, J., Miniat, C.F., Oishi, A.C., and Novick, K.A. Hydraulic traits of trees growing in wet places: Do lessons learned from the relatively arid western US translate to the relatively mesic eastern US? presentation at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, 9–13 December 2019 in San Francisco, CA, USA.

Bumpers, P.M., A.D. Rosemond, J.P Benstead, L. Demi, J.S. Kominoski, J.C. Maerz, D.W.P. Manning. 2017. A little bit of algae goes a long way: Nutrient enrichment stimulates algal growth in heavily shaded streams. 63rd Annual Society for Freshwater Science Annual meeting, Raleigh, NC, USA.

C Stephens, LA Marshall, F Johnson, L Lin, LE Band, H Ajami, Understanding model robustness to climate change: an experiment with the ecohydrologic model RHESSys, AGU Fall Meeting 2019

Caldwell, P.V., C.F. Miniat, K.J. Elliott, J.D. Knoepp, A.C. Oishi, P.V. Bolstad. 2018. Managing forest system diversity to enhance resilience and ecosystem services. USDA, AFRI-NIFA Program Directors meeting, 4-6 December 2018, Washington DC. Poster

Caldwell, P.V., Elliott, K.J., Knoepp, J.D., Zietlow, D.R., Vose, J.M., Bolstad, P.V., and Miniat, C.F. 2018. Watershed-scale water quality and quantity responses to wildfire in the southern Appalachian mountain region, USA. Oral presentation at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting in Washington, DC, December 10–14, 2018.

Candeias, M. and J. Fraterrigo. Response of forest understory herbs to topoclimate variation in the southern Appalachian Mountains. 21st Annual GEEB Symposium, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, February 2019.

Candeias, M. Plants in a Changing Climate. Southern California Horticulture Society. Los Angeles, CA, April 2019.

Candeias, M. Plants in a Changing Climate. Theodore Payne Foundation. Los Angeles, CA, April 2019.

Chandler, R., Merker, S., Chitwood, R., Cymerman, J., Nairn, C., & Cooper, R. (2018). Diversity and conservation status of trailing-edge populations in the southern Appalachian Mountains. In Joint meeting of the Association of Field Ornithologists and the Wilson Ornithological Society.

Chitwood, R. A bird’s-eye view of climate change. Evening talk presented to the Asheville, NC Audubon Society. May 21, 2018.

Chitwood, R.W., R.B. Chandler, J.L. Hatt, M.H. Cline, K.W. Stodola, and R.J. Cooper. 10 Feb 2017. Modeling survival and recruitment of Black-throated Blue Warbler (Setophaga caerulescens) populations at warm-edge range margins. Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources Graduate Student Symposium, Athens, GA.

Cook, D, Oishi, A.C., Bolstad, P.V., and Miniat, C.F. Effects of Evergreen Shrub Species on Forest Soil Moisture Availability. Poster presentation at the LTER All Scientists Meeting, 1–4 October 2018, Pacific Grove, CA.

Cooper, R. J., R. W. Chitwood, R.W., R.B. Chandler, J.L. Hatt, M.H. Cline, and K.W. Stodola. 3 August 2017. Explaining population declines in cool-adapted species in the Southern Appalachians: more questions than answers. Annual Meeting of the American Ornithological Society and Society for Canadian Ornithologists. East Lansing, MI.

Cymerman, J. H., Maerz, J., & Abernathy, H. (2018). Incorporating climate variables improves distribution models for trailing edge populations. In Association of Field Ornithologists and Wilson Ornithological Society Joint Meeting. Chattanooga, Tennessee.

DellaRocco, T.F., Martin, K.L., Elliott, K.J. 2018. Mixed-severity fires in southern Appalachian forests. ESA Annual Meeting, August 5-10, 2018. New Orleans, LA.

Denham, S.; Oishi, A.C.; Miniat, C.F., Brantley, S.T.; Yi, K.; Novick, K.A. 2018. Forest Trees Are Not Equally Affected by Hydrologic and Atmospheric Drought. AGU Fall Meeting, Washington DC, USA.

Denham, S.O., Oishi, A.C., Miniat, C.F., Wood, J.D., and Novick, K.A. Soil moisture effects on species-specific sensitivity of stomata to vapor pressure deficit. Contributed poster presentation at the XI International Workshop on Sap Flow, Hyytiälä, Finland, October 7–11, 2019.

Dobbs, G.R., Caldwell, P.V., Miniat, C.F., Nelson, S.A.C., Sun, G., and Duan, K. Hydrologic modeling and inter-basin surface water transfers: building a comprehensive IBT geodatabase for the conterminous United States. Poster presentation at the American Association of Geographers 2019 Annual Meeting, April 3–7, 2019, Washington, DC.

Dobbs, G.R., Caldwell, P.V., Miniat, C.F., Sun, G. and Nelson, S.A.C. 2019. A new national spatial database of inter-basin surface water transfers. Oral presentation at the NCGIS 2019 Annual Meeting, February 2019, Winston Salem, NC.

Dudley, M. P., M. Freeman, S. Wenger, R. Jackson, and C. M. Pringle. 2019. Rethinking Foundation Species in a Changing World: The Case for Rhododendron maximum as a Foundation Species in Shifting Ecosystems of the Southern Appalachians. Annual Meetings of the Society for Freshwater Science, Salt Lake City, UT.

Dudley, M.P, S.Wenger, R. Jackson, K.J. Elliott, C.F. Miniat, and C.M. Pringle. 2018. Stream basal resources exhibit short-term resilience following reach-scale removal of a dominant riparian shrub. Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting, May 20-24, Detroit, MI.

Dudley, M.P., Wenger, S., Elliott, K.J., Miniat, C.F., Pringle, C.M. 2018. Can top-down control of algal and detrital resources by crayfish mediate the effect of removing a dense riparian shrub, Rhododendron maximum, in headwater streams? ESA Annual Meeting, August 5-10, 2018. New Orleans, LA.

Elliott, K., Swank, W.T., 2009. "Long-Term Vegetation Changes in Coweeta Basin, Southern Appalachian Mountains, a USDA Forest Service Experimental Forest." 7th North American Forest Ecology Workshop. June 2009

Elliott, K.J., Caldwell, P.V., Knoepp, J.D., Zietlow, D.R., Vose, J.M.,Bolstad, P., Miniat, C.F. 2018. Effects of large wildfires on water quality and water quantity in mesophytic forests of the Eastern US. ESA Annual Meeting, August 5-10, 2018. New Orleans, LA.

Elliott, Katherine J., James M. Vose, Jennifer D. Knoepp and William Jackson. 2012. Effects of Wildfire and Liming of Pine-Oak-Heath Communities in the Linville Gorge Wilderness, Western North Carolina. Proceedings of the 4th Fire in Eastern Oak Forests Conference 230-234.

Farrell, K.J., A.D. Rosemond, F. Ballantyne, J.S. Kominoski, S.M. Bonjour, J. Ruegg, L.E. Koenig, C.L. Baker, M.T. Trentman, T.K. Harms, K.R. Sheehan. Variation in resource stoichiometry signals differential carbon to nutrient limitation for stream consumers across biomes. Ecological Society of America Annual meeting, Portland, OR, USA.

Ford, C.R. and Vose, J.M., 2010. "Potential changes in transpiration with shifts in species composition following the loss of eastern hemlock in southern Appalachian riparian forests." The 95th ESA Annual Meeting, August 1-6, 2010

Fraterrigo, J.M. and S.M. Pearson. Responses of southern Appalachian forests to historic and contemporary changes in land use. Coweeta Retrospective Symposium, Dillard, GA, 28 May 2019.

Hales, T. C.; Ford, C. R.; Hwang, T.; Vose, J.; Band, L. E.. 2009. Canopy Composition and Topographic Controls on Root Cohesion in Landslide-Prone Terrain, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2009, abstract #EP43E-0684

Hawthorne, S.N., C.F. Miniat, K.J. Elliott. 2017. Effects of rhododendron removal on the water use of hardwood species following eastern hemlock mortality. Biogeosciences B025, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 11-15 December 2017, New Orleans, LA.

Hwang, T., Band, L.E., Miniat, C.F., Kneopp, J.D. Vose, J.M, Knoepp, J.D., Song, C., Bolstad, P.V. 2019. Canopy density patterns at the catchment scale homogenize with decreased hydrologic downslope subsidy. Ecological Society of America (ESA) Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY, USA.

Hwang, T., Band, L.E., Miniat, C.F., Kneopp, J.D. Vose, J.M, Song, C., Bolstad, P.V. 2018. Warming temperature homogenizes landscape vegetation patterns at the catchment scale. Association of American Geographers, New Orleans, LA, USA.

Hwang, T., Band, L.E., Miniat, C.F., Knoepp, J.D. Vose, J.M, Song, C., Bolstad, P.V. 2018. Warming temperature homogenizes landscape vegetation patterns at the catchment scale. 6th interagency Conference on Research in the Watersheds, Shepherdtown, WV, USA.

Jackson, C.R. 2019. Nonpoint pollutant transport viewed through hillslope hydrologic processes. Invited Seminar. Geosciences Dept. Seminar. Georgia State University. January 31.

Jackson, C.R. 2019. The Coweeta Long-Term Ecological Research Program at the Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory. American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, December 9-13, San Francisco, CA.

Jackson, C.R. and J. Klaus. 2019. Interflow travel distances calculated from worldwide data: Landscape controls on hillslope-valley connectivity. American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, December 9-13, San Francisco, CA

Jackson, C.R., and Miniat, C.F. 2019. The Coweeta Long-Term Ecological Research Program at the Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory. Contributed poster presentation at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, 9–13 December 2019 in San Francisco, CA, USA.

Jackson, C.R., J.R. Webster, J.D. Knoepp, K.J. Elliott, R.E. Emanuel, C.F. Miniat. 2017. Long-term stream discharge and chemistry observations reveal unexpected dynamics: Coweeta Watershed 7 clearcut manipulation. Hydrology H026, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 11-15 December 2017, New Orleans, LA.

Jackson, C.R., J.R. Webster, K.K. Cecala, J.R. Frisch, J.E. Kirsch, J.C. Maerz, D.S. Leigh, J.T. Peterson, C.M. Pringle, and J.D. Knoepp. 2018. Hydrologic, Morphologic, and Water Quality Effects of Rural Development in Streams of the Southern Blue Ridge Mountains. Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting, May 20-24, Detroit, MI.

Jackson, C.R., P. Caldwell, K. Elliott, T. Hwang, J. Knoepp, C. Miniat, C. Oishi, J. Webster, and N. Wurzburger. 2018. Coweeta (CWT) and forest mesophication of the temperate montane deciduous forest of the Southern Appalachians: A response to species loss, BNF, climate change, and/or fire exclusion? NSF LTER All Scientists Meeting, September 30-October 4, Asilomar, CA.

Jackson, C.R., T. Hwang, C. Oishi, K. Novick, J. Knoepp, K. Elliott, C. Miniat, N. Wurzburger. 2018. Coweeta (CWT): Next Generation Synthesis: Successes and strategies. LTER All Scientist meeting, 14 October 2018, Asilomar Conference Grounds, Pacific Grove CA. Oral presentation.

Jennifer D. Knoepp, James M. Vose, Barton D. Clinton, and Mark D. Hunter, 2010. "Eastern Hemlock in Southern Appalachian Forests and the Impacts of Hemlock Woolly Adelgid on Nutrient Pools and Cycling," Fifth Symposium on Hemlock Woolly Adelgid in the Eastern United States, Asheville NC, August 2010

Jennifer D. Knoepp, James M. Vose, Jerry L. Michael, and Barbara C. Reynolds, 2010. "Imidacloprid Application in Low and High Elevation Eastern Hemlock Stands in the Southern Appalachians: Movement in Soils and Impacts on Soil Microarthropods," Fifth Symposium on Hemlock Woolly Adelgid in the Eastern United States, August 17-19, 2010.

John Walker, Doris Chen, Donna Schwede, Ryan Daly, Christopher Oishi, Melissa Puchalski. Investigation of ammonia air-surface exchange processes in a deciduous montane forest in the southeastern U.S. Submitted abstract. Fall NADP Conference October 31-November 4

Justus, S.R., K. Eliason, B.L. Brown, & E.F. Benfield. 2018. Effects on Rhododendron removal on stream macroinvertebrate community structure. ESA Annual Meeting Aug 5-10, 2018, New Orleans, LA

Khodaee, M., Hwang, T., Kim, J., Norman, S., Thompson, S. 2018. Using Landsat Time Series to Evaluate Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Infestation over Southern Appalachian Mountains. AGU Fall Meeting, Washington DC, USA.

Khodaee, M., Hwang, T., Kim, J., Norman, S., Thompson, S. 2019. Comparing Different Spectral Indices in Monitoring Forest Disturbances Using Landsat Time Series Imagery. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA.

Knoepp, J. Long-term studies of ecosystem response to disturbance along environmental gradients at Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory. Coweeta LTER: A retrospective of 40 years of research. May 28, 2019. Invited presentation.

Knoepp, J.D. 2019. Patterns of acid deposition impact long-term SO4 cycling in the southern Appalachian Mountains. Sergei A. Wilde Distinguished Lectureship. Soil Science Society of America, Forest, Range and Wildland Division. San Antonio, TX. November 2019. Invited Presentation

Knoepp, J.D. and P.V. Caldwell. Forest management effects on soils and hydrology. Southern Research Station, National Advanced Silviculture Program: Mountain Module. May 2019. Invited Presentation.

Laird, S.G., Ford, C.R., Laseter, S.H., Vose, J.M., 2011, Long-term forest management and climate effects on streamflow. In Proceedings of the Fourth Interagency Conference on Research in the Watersheds: Observing, Studying, and Managing for Change, U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2011-5169, edited by Medley, C.N., Patterson, Glenn, and Parker, M.J., 202 p

Laird, S.G., Ford, C.R., Laseter, S.H., Vose, J.M.,2011. Long-term Forest Management and Climate Effects on Streamflow. Observing, Studying, and Managing for Change: Proceedings of The Fourth Interagency Conference on Research in the Watersheds, September 2011, Fairbanks, AK, C.N. Medley, Patterson, G., Parker M.J., eds., U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2011-5169, p. 108-113

Lapham, M., Hwang, T., Miniat, C.F., Denham, S.O. 2018. Comparing water use of Paulownia tomentosa to co-occurring native species in the Southern Appalachian Mountains. AGU Fall Meeting, Washington DC, USA.

Lee, R., B.D. Strahm, K.G. McGuire, J.D. Knoepp. Decoupled Water and Nitrate Transport Downslope and across the Terrestrial-Aquatic Interface. AGU Fall 2018. Presented by Strahm

Lewis, W., Chitwood, R., & Cooper, R. (2018). Factors affecting the nestling provisioning rate of Black-throated Blue Warblers from a declining trailing-edge population. In Joint meeting of the Association of Field Ornithologists and the Wilson Ornithological Society, Chattanooga, TN

Lin, L., Band, L., Vose, J., Hwang, T., Miniat, C.F., and Bolstad, P. 2018. Forest water use and carbon cycling trait diversity impacts on watershed hydrologic and ecosystem dynamics. Poster presentation at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting in Washington, DC, December 10–14, 2018.

Liu, N., Dobbs, G.R., Caldwell, P.V., Miniat, C.F., Bolstad, P.V., Nelson, S.A.C., and Sun, G. 2019. Benefits of State and Private Forest Lands for Water Supply in the Southern United State. Contributed poster presentation at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, 9–13 December 2019 in San Francisco, CA, USA.

Love, J. P. 2018. Salamanders, warblers, and bears – oh my! Fifty years of vertebrate research at the Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory. Coweeta LTER Annual Summer Meeting. Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory, Otto, NC . June 19, 2018.

MacLean, M. G., J. Thompson, D. A. Orwig, G. Lovett, and J. Fraterrigo and others. 2018. Interactions of forest insects and pathogens (FIPs) and other global change drivers (GCDs). 2018 LTER All Scientists Meeting, Pacific Grove, CA.

Maerz, J.C., Howard, J.S., McEntire, K.D. Integrating Spatial and Temporal Studies to Model Salamander Demographic Responses to Climate. 2018. LTER Network All Sciences Meeting, Asilomar, Monterey, CA.

McDonald, J. and Leigh, D.S. 2011. Presentation: Geomorphic Mapping of Holocene alluvium using LiDAR in the Upper Little Tennessee River valley, North Carolina. Session No. 96--Booth# 37 Geomorphology (Posters). 2011 GSA Annual Meeting in Minneapolis (9–12 October 2011), October 10, 2011, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.

McGuire, K.J., R.M. Lee, B.D. Strahm, J.D. Knoepp, R.D. Stewart, and C.R. Jackson. 2019. Revisiting a 50-year-old hillslope drainage experiment at the Coweeta Hydrologic Lab (Invited). American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, December 9-13, San Francisco, CA.

Miniat, C.F. 2019. Climate change and management effects on water yield. Invited national webinar presentation on Water, Forests, and Human Health organized by the USDA Forest Service Washington Office, National Ecosystem Services Strategy Team (NESST), 18 September 2019.

Miniat, C.F. 2019. Forest changes in southern Appalachians: Loss of eastern hemlock from HWA. Invited presentation to the Northeast Ohio Forestry Association at the Cradle of Forestry in America Interpretative Association, Brevard, NC, 29 October 2019.

Miniat, C.F., Elliot, K.J., Bolstad, P.V., Oishi, A.C., and Wurzburger, N.J. Multiple dimensions of mesophication: A case study from Coweeta Hydrologic Lab. Invited presentation given at the North American Forest Ecology Workshop, June 24–27, 2019 in Flagstaff, AZ.

Miniat, C.F., Elliott, K.J., and Dharmadi, S.N. Rhododendron maximum’s effect in the southern Appalachian forest. Invited presentation to the Western Carolina Botanical Club, March 8, 2019. Hendersonville, NC.

Miniat, C.F., Fraterrigo, J.M., Brantley, S.T., Callaham, M., Cordell, S., Dukes, J.S., Giardina, C.P., Jose, S., and Lovett, G. Impacts of Invasive Species on Forest and Grassland Ecosystem Processes in the US. Invited presentation given at the Entomological Society of America annual meeting, November 14, 2018 in Vancouver, BC Canada.

Miniat, C.F., Fraterrigo, J.M., Brantley, S.T., Callaham, M., Cordell, S., Dukes, J.S., Giardina, C.P., Jose, S., and Lovett, G. Impacts of Invasive Species on Forest and Grassland Ecosystem Processes in the US. Invited presentation given at the Southern Group of State Foresters annual meeting, June 19, 2019 in Franklin, TN.

Miniat, C.F., K.J. Elliott, J.D. Knoepp, P.V. Caldwell, A.C. Oishi, S.N.D. Hawthorne, and S.T. Brantley. How reforestation may impact water quantity and quality. Invited oral presentation at the USDA Forest Service Reforestation Matters Workshop: Understanding the costs of inadequate reforestation. April 12-13, 2017. Portland, Oregon.

Novick, K, C.R. Jackson, C. Oishi, and J. Knoepp. 2018. Organic Matter – CWT lightning presentation. NSF LTER Science Council Meeting, May 16-18, Madison, WI.

Novick, K.A., Barnes, M., Katul, G., Phillips, R., Stoy, P.C., Zhang, Q. Biogeochemical legacies of a century of Eastern US reforestation. AGU Fall meeting. San Francisco, CA, USA

Oishi, A.C., Denham, S.O., Brantley, S.T., Novick, K.A., Bolstad, P.V., and Miniat, C.F. Quantifying the effects of stand age on components of forest evapotranspiration. Contributed oral presentation at the XI International Workshop on Sap Flow, Hyytiälä, Finland, October 7–11, 2019.

Osburn, E.D., Knoepp, J.D., Barrett, J.E. (2019) Historical forest disturbance alters microbial diversity and ecosystem function in Appalachian soils. Oral presentation, Ecological Society of America, Louisville, KY, August 2019.

Osburn, E.D., Knoepp, J.D., Barrett, J.E. Historical forest disturbance alters microbial diversity and ecosystem function in Appalachian soils. Oral presentation, Ecological Society of America Mid-Atlantic Chapter, Bowie, MD, April 2019.

Osburn, E.D., Knoepp, J.D., Elliott, K.J., Miniat, C.F., Barrett, J.E. 2018. Soil microbial response to Rhododendron maximum removal in Appalachian forests. ESA Annual Meeting, August 5-10, 2018. New Orleans, LA.

Raulerson, S., C.R. Jackson, N.D. Melear, S.E. Younger, M. Dudley, and K.J. Elliott. 2019. Impacts of understory rhododendron removal on Southern Applachian Mountain stream temperatures. POSTER. Georgia Water Resources Conference, April 16-17, University of Georgia, Athens, GA.

Raulerson, S.A., C.R. Jackson, N.D. Melear, S.E. Younger, M.P. Dudley, and K.J. Elliott. 2019. Effects of rhododendron removal on summer stream temperatures, southern Appalachian Mountains. 2019 Annual Meeting for the Ecological Society of America, August 12-16, Louisville, KY.

Rosemond, A.D., J.P. Benstead, J.C. Maerz, V. Gulis, P.M. Bumpers, D.W.P. Manning, J.S. Kominoski, L. Demi. 2017. Nitrogen and phosphorus have different effects at the top and bottom of stream food webs. 63rd Annual Society for Freshwater Science Annual meeting, Raleigh, NC, USA.

Rzonca, S., B. Burke, and M. Welch-Devine. 2018. Climate change’s gendered impacts in Southern Appalachia. Association of American Geographers. April 10-14. New Orleans, LA.

S. L. Johnson, M. B. Adams, D. M. Amatya, S. W. Bailey, C. C. Rhoades, J. B. Jones, J. D. Knoepp, W. McCaughey, W. H. McDowell, K. J. McGuire, S. D. Sebestyen, P. M. Wohlgemuth, 2009. "Stream Nutrient Responses to Forest Harvest and Disturbance: Lessons From Long-Term Research at USFS Experimental Forests." 7th North American Forest Ecology Workshop, June 22-26, 2009.

Sanders, J., Jackson, C. R., Welch-Devine, M. 2019. Mowers vs Growers: Riparian Buffer Management in the Southern Blue Ridge, U.S.A. Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting, May 19-23, Salt Lake City.

Sanders, J., M. Welch-Devine, and C.R. Jackson. 2019. Mowers versus growers: Riparian buffer management in the Southern Blue Ridge Mountains, USA. Georgia Water Resources Conference, April 16-17, University of Georgia, Athens, GA.

Scaife, C., Singh, N., Emanuel, R., Miniat, C.F., and Band, L.E. 2019. Evolution of Stormflow Thresholds in Long-Term Instrumented Catchments. Contributed oral presentation at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, 9–13 December 2019 in San Francisco, CA, USA.

Singh NK, Emanuel RE, McGlynn BL. 2017. “Variability in isotopic composition of baseflow in two headwater streams of the southern Appalachians” Eos Transactions AGU, 98(53), Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract H42F-07 (Invited Talk)

Singh, N., A.C. Oishi, J.D. Knoepp. Carbon stocks and fluxes: vertical and lateral. Coweeta LTER: A retrospective of 40 years of research. May 28, 2019. Invited presentation.

Solomon, K. J., M. P. Dudley, R. J. Bixby and C. M. Pringle. 2019. Effects of riparian Rhododendron removal and top-down control by crayfish on diatom community composition in Southern Appalachian streams. Annual Meeting of the North American Diatom Society.

Solomon, K. J., M. P. Dudley, R. J. Bixby and C. M. Pringle. 2019. Effects of riparian Rhododendron removal and top-down control by crayfish on diatom community composition in Southern Appalachian streams. Annual Meetings of the Society for Freshwater Science, Salt Lake City, UT.

Steacy, C., M. Welch-Devine. B.J. Burke, S. Rzonca. 2018. We have seen the effects. Narratives of place-change among amenity migrants to southern Appalachia. Association of American Geographers. April 10-14. New Orleans, LA.

Stewart AN, Knoepp JD, Miniat C, Oishi AC, Emanuel RE (2017) “Determination of Tree and Understory Water Sources and Residence Times Using Stable Isotopes in a Southern Appalachian Forest” Eos Transactions AGU, 98 (53), Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract H23E-1728 (Poster)

Stringer, Christina E.; Krauss, Ken W.; Latimer, James S., eds. 2016. LONG TERM RECORDS PROVIDE INSIGHTS ON THE RELATIVE INFLUENCE OF CLIMATE, Headwaters to estuaries: advances in watershed science and management—Proceedings of the Fifth Interagency Conference on Research in the Watersheds. March 2-5, 2015, North Charleston, South Carolina. e-Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-211. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Southern Research Station. 302 p.

Stringer, Christina E.; Krauss, Ken W.; Latimer, James S., eds. 2016. RESTORATION OF SOUTHERN APPALACHIAN RIPARIAN FORESTS AFFECTED BY EASTERN HEMLOCK MORTALITY, Headwaters to estuaries: advances in watershed science and management—Proceedings of the Fifth Interagency Conference on Research in the Watersheds. March 2-5, 2015, North Charleston, South Carolina. e-Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-211. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Southern Research Station. 302 p.

Stringer, Christina E.; Krauss, Ken W.; Latimer, James S., eds. 2016. RIPARIAN AREA HARVESTING IMPACTS ON VEGETATION COMPOSITION AND DIVERSITY, Headwaters to estuaries: advances in watershed science and management—Proceedings of the Fifth Interagency Conference on Research in the Watersheds. March 2-5, 2015, North Charleston, South Carolina. e-Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-211. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Southern Research Station. 302 p.

Stringer, Christina E.; Krauss, Ken W.; Latimer, James S., eds. 2016. SOIL AND STREAM CHEMISTRY RELATIONSHIPS IN HIGH ELEVATION WATERS, Headwaters to estuaries: advances in watershed science and management—Proceedings of the Fifth Interagency Conference on Research in the Watersheds. March 2-5, 2015, North Charleston, South Carolina. e-Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-211. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Southern Research Station. 302 p.

Swank, W.T., Yeakley, J.A., 2009., "Storm Hydrograph Responses to Conversion to White Pine Forest in the Southern Appalachian Mountains," American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2009

T Oda, LE Band, MB Green, TM Scanlon, SD Sebestyen, KJ McGuire, ..., Streamflow response and recovery after forest disturbance in different climates, AGU Fall Meeting 2019

Ulyshen, M., Elliott, K., Caldwell, P., and Miniat, C.F. Managing the shrub layer for pollinators in forests. Oral presentation at the 2018 Entomological Society of America (ESA) annual meeting in November 11–14, Vancouver, BC Canada.

Walker, J.T., Chen, X., Schwede, D., Daly, R., Djurkovic, A., Oishi, A.C., Wu, Z., Edgerton, E., Knoepp, J.D., Puchalski, M., and Miniat, C.F. 2019. Nitrogen deposition budget for a mixed southern Appalachian deciduous forest. Contributed oral presentation at the NADP Scientific Symposium and Fall Meeting, Boulder, CO, November 4–8, 2019.

Webster, J.R. Stream and watershed nitrogen dynamics: What we know, what we think we know, and what we don’t know. Annual Water Resources Conference, University Council on Water Resources, Snowbird, Utah, 11-13 June 2019. Invited plenary talk.

Webster, J.R. Stream and watershed nitrogen dynamics: What we know, what we think we know, and what we don’t know. Coweeta Retrospective Symposium, Dillard, GA, 28 May 2019.

Wieder, W., K. Lajtha, S. Earl, D. Pierson, L. Brigham, J. Fraterrigo, and the LTER Soil Synthesis Working Group. 2018. Leveraging network science to evaluate mechanisms and models of soil organic matter stabilization and change. AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, DC.

Wieder, W., S. Earl, D. Pierson, and the LTER Soil Synthesis Working Group. 2019. Introducing SOils DAta Harmonization tools (SoDaH). AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, CA.

Wihlm, M.W., Courtney, G.W., 2011, The distribution and life history of axymyia furcata mcatee (diptera: axymyiidae), a wood inhabiting, semi-aquatic fly. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 113(3), 2011, p. 385-398

Wurzburger, N, Elliott, K.J. and Miniat, C.F. Plant strategies for nutrient acquisition – an unconsidered dimension of forest “mesophication”. Invited presentation given at the North American Forest Ecology Workshop, June 24–27, 2019 in Flagstaff, AZ.

Wurzburger, N., Elliott, K.J., Miniat, C.F. 2018. Nitrogen fixation facilitates dominance of arbuscular mycorrhizal trees. ESA Annual Meeting, August 5-10, 2018. New Orleans, LA.

Wurzburger, N., K.J. Elliott, and C.F. Miniat. Nitrogen fixation facilitates forest recovery after repeated disturbance. Ecological Society of America (ESA) Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, August 10, 2017.

Wurzburger, N., Motes, J., Elliott, K., and Miniat, C.F. 2019. The rise and fall of N fixation following disturbance. Organized Special Session, OOS-Nitrogen Fixation in a Complex World, 104th Ecological Society of America meeting, Louisville, KY, 11–16 August 2019.

Wurzburger, Nina. 2018. Sensitivity of heterotrophic soil respiration (HSR) to temperature as mediated by mycorrhizal fungi. ESA Annual Meeting, August 5-10, 2018. New Orleans, LA.

Zhang, Yulong; Novick, Kimberly A.; Song, Conghe; Zhang, Quan; Hwang, Taehee. 2017. Representation of physiological drought at ecosystem level based on model and eddy covariance measurements. American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting. Dec. 11-15, New Orleans, LA.

Zhiyong Wu, John T. Walker, Xi Chen, A. Christopher Oishi, Tomer Duman. Estimation of in-canopy flux distributions of reactive nitrogen and sulfur within a mixed hardwood forest in southern Appalachia. AGU Fall Meeting 2017.

Newsletter and Newspaper Articles

Brown, E. 2004. Intern comparing Carolina, Canadian hemlocks and adelgids. The Highlander, 9 November 2004.

Cary, R.H. and Chamblee, J.F. 2013. Coweeta LTER Upgrades Sensor Stations by Implementing the GCE Data Toolbox for Matlab to Stream Data. In: LTER Databits: Spring 2013. LTER Network Office.

Chamblee, J.F., Cary, R.H. and Sheldon, W.M. Jr. 2013. GCE and CWT Host Successful Workshop to Demonstrate, Improve, and Promote the Adoption of the GCE Data Toolbox for Matlab. In: LTER Databits: Spring 2013. LTER Network Office.

Chamblee, John F. 2010 Coweeta Supports Citizen Science Initiative; Collaboratively Redevelops and Publishes Long-Term Biomonitoring Database. LTER Databits: Information Management Newsletter of the Long Term Ecological Research Network. Fall 201o Issue. (http://databits.lternet.edu/fall-2010/coweeta-supports-citizen-science-initiative-collaboratively-redevelops-and-publishes-long-) Accessed 2 January 2011

Chamblee, John F. Wade M. Sheldon, Jr. 2011 Systems Upgrade through Technology Transfer across LTERs: Who Benefits?. LTER Databits: Information Management Newsletter of the Long Term Ecological Research Network. Spring 2011 Issue. (http://databits.lternet.edu/spring-2011/systems-upgrade-through-technology-transfer-across-lters-who-benefits) Accessed 2 June 2011

Coweeta Listening Project (Writing Collective) (2012) “Science, Public Policy, and Community: The Importance of Riparian Vegetation.” Franklin Press. 128(10): pp B4, Friday, February 3, 2012.

Coweeta Listening Project (Writing Collective) (2012) Science, Public Policy, and Community: The Southern Appalachian 'Ring of Asphalt' and climate change?. Franklin Press. The Franklin Press. 128(29): pp B4 Friday, July 13, 2012

Coweeta Listening Project (Writing Collective) 2011. Science, Public Policy, Community: Land Use and Climate Change. Franklin Press. 127:(40) pp. 5. Friday, June 3rd, 2011.

Coweeta Listening Project (Writing Collective). 2011. Science, Public Policy, and Community: Acid Rain and air quality in the Appalachians. Pages B4 in: The Franklin Press: Friday, September 16.

Coweeta Listening Project (Writing Collective). 2011. Science, Public Policy, and Community: Decline of the Hemlock, Part 1. Franklin Press. 127:(60) pp. B8, Friday, July 29, 2011

Coweeta Listening Project (Writing Collective). 2011. Science, Public Policy, and Community: Decline of the Hemlock, Part 2. Pages B6 in: The Franklin Press: Friday, September 2, 2011.

Coweeta Listening Project (Writing Collective). 2011. Science, Public Policy, and Community: Ozone and Air Quality in the Southern Appalachians. Franklin Press. 127(80): pp. B4 Friday, October 7, 2011

Coweeta Listening Project (Writing Collective). 2011. Science, Public Policy, and Community: Ozone and Air Quality in the Southern Appalachians. Pages B4 in: The Franklin Press: Friday, October 7.

Coweeta Listening Project (Writing Collective). 2011. Science, Public Policy, Community: Ecosystem Services of the Forest. Franklin Press. 125:(52) pp. B4. Friday, July 1, 2011.

Coweeta Listening Project (Writing Collective). 2012. Science, Public Policy, and Community: Appreciating place-based ecological science. Pages B4 in: The Franklin Press: Sept 21.

Coweeta Listening Project (Writing Collective). 2012. Science, Public Policy, and Community: Coweeta LTER Partners with Local Teachers. Pages B4 in: The Franklin Press: August 24.

Coweeta Listening Project (Writing Collective). 2012. Science, Public Policy, and Community: Drought in the Southern Appalachian Temperate Rainforest? Part 1. Pages A5 in: The Franklin Press: Oct 5.

Coweeta Listening Project (Writing Collective). 2012. Science, Public Policy, and Community: Drought in the Southern Appalachian Temperate Rainforest? Part 2. Pages B4 in: The Franklin Press: Oct 19.

Coweeta Listening Project (Writing Collective). 2012. Science, Public Policy, and Community: Elevation and home prices in Macon County. Pages A6 in: The Franklin Press: Dec 5.

Coweeta Listening Project (Writing Collective). 2012. Science, Public Policy, and Community: Putting the Local in Global Climate Change. Pages A10 in: The Franklin Press: Nov 2.

Coweeta Listening Project (Writing Collective). 2012. Science, Public Policy, and Community: Slope mapping, LiDAR data, and Macon County. Pages B8 in: The Franklin Press: Friday, July 27.

Coweeta Listening Project (Writing Collective). 2012. Science, Public Policy, and Community: Steep-Slope Development. Pages B4 in: The Franklin Press: Friday, March 2.

Coweeta Listening Project (Writing Collective). 2012. Science, Public Policy, and Community: The Importance of Riparian Vegetation. Pages B4 in: The Franklin Press: Friday, February 3.

Coweeta Listening Project (Writing Collective). 2012. Science, Public Policy, and Community: The science of steep slope movements. The Franklin Press: March 31.

Coweeta Listening Project (Writing Collective). 2012. Science, Public Policy, and Community: The WNC Mounds and Towns project. Pages B6 in: The Franklin Press: Sept 7.

Coweeta Listening Project (Writing Collective). 2012. Science, Public Policy, and Community: What are all those UGA trucks doing on the side of the road?”. Pages B4 in: The Franklin Press: August 10.

Coweeta Listening Project (Writing Collective). 2012. Science, Public Policy, Community: The science of steep slope movements. Franklin Press. The Franklin Press. 128(12): pp B4 Friday, March 2, 2012

Coweeta Listening Project (Writing Collective). 2013. Science, Public Policy, and Community: Coweeta Aquatic Camp. Pages B4 in: The Franklin Press: July 3.

Coweeta Listening Project (Writing Collective). 2013. Science, Public Policy, and Community: Exurbanization and Landslides. Pages B4 in: The Franklin Press: May 10.

Coweeta Listening Project (Writing Collective). 2013. Science, Public Policy, and Community: Exurbanization in the Southern Apps. Pages B4 in: The Franklin Press: Jan 25.

Coweeta Listening Project (Writing Collective). 2013. Science, Public Policy, and Community: Lessons from science in the community. Pages B4 in: The Franklin Press: April 26.

Coweeta Listening Project (Writing Collective). 2013. Science, Public Policy, and Community: Local teachers take part in research. Pages B4 in: The Franklin Press: March 29.

Coweeta Listening Project (Writing Collective). 2013. Science, Public Policy, and Community: Removal of large woody debris from streams. Pages B4 in: The Franklin Press: April 12.

Coweeta Listening Project (Writing Collective). 2013. Science, Public Policy, and Community: The fate of the Southern Appalachian salamanders. Pages B4 in: The Franklin Press: July 19.

Coweeta Listening Project (Writing Collective). 2013. Science, Public Policy, and Community: The scientific side of steep slopes. Pages B4 in: The Franklin Press: Feb 15.

Coweeta Listening Project (Writing Collective). 2013. Science, Public Policy, and Community: What powers these mountains? Pages B4 in: The Franklin Press: June 7.

Coweeta Listening Project (Writing Collective). 2013. Science, Public Policy, and Community: What would fire ants mean in our region? Pages B4 in: The Franklin Press: May 24.

Cunningham, C., 2000. Conservation Field Day Teaches Students About Environment. The Macon County News, Jun 8, 2000, p. 13

Lebert, Melanie. Help for stream studies. The Franklin Press, 1 April 2009.

Lebert, Melanie. Middle school kids go outdoors, learn science the hands-on way. The Franklin Press, 13 May 2009.

Lebert, Melanie. Science project in the spotlight. The Franklin Press, 20 November 2009.

Lipscomb, J., 2011. Mountain View garden gets boost with grants. The Franklin Press, Feb. 25, 2011, p. B6

McCandless, C., 2011. MVI to get outdoor research shelter. The Franklin Press, Aug 17, 2011. p. 1A, 8A

McCandless, C., 2011. Report: Two decades of biomonitoring of streams creates major database. The Franklin Press, Jul 20, 2011, p. A1, A9

McRae, B., 2011. Ph.D. candidate studying population dynamics of birds in Macon County. The Franklin Press, Feb. 18, 2011, p. B4

Seabrook, C., 2000. His Own Conservation Corps. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Feb 20, 2000, p. F4

Staff Writer. CEP student focuses on the forest's floor. The Highlander, 12 October 2000.

Staff Writer. Greenway Invasives Partnership update. The Franklin Press, 22 October 2010.

Stillerman, K. 2002. CEP intern keeps track of air quality. The Highlander, 10 December 2002.

Wheeler, Tony. Education project grooms budding scientists: coweeta lab teams up with macon middle, rabun gap. The Macon County News & Shopping Guide, 14 May 2009, p. 11.

Woolly Bully: Estimating the Effect of an Invasive Insect on an Area's Water Cycle. 2009. The Natural Inquirer Monograph Series 3:1-32.


1997 Coweeta LTER Annual Report. Manuscript on file. Coweeta LTER, University of Georgia.

1997 Coweeta LTER Summer Science Meeting. Manuscript on file. Coweeta LTER, University of Georgia.

1998 Coweeta LTER Annual Report. Manuscript on file. Coweeta LTER, University of Georgia.

1998 Coweeta LTER Summer Science Meeting. Manuscript on file. Coweeta LTER, University of Georgia.

1999 Coweeta LTER Annual Report. Manuscript on file. Coweeta LTER, University of Georgia.

2000 Coweeta LTER Annual Report. Manuscript on file. Coweeta LTER, University of Georgia.

2000 Coweeta LTER Summer Science Meeting. Manuscript on file. Coweeta LTER, University of Georgia.

2000 Coweeta LTER Winter ALL-PI Meeting. Manuscript on file. Coweeta LTER, University of Georgia.

2001 Coweeta LTER Annual Report. Manuscript on file. Coweeta LTER, University of Georgia.

2001 Coweeta LTER Summer Science Meeting. Manuscript on file. Coweeta LTER, University of Georgia.

2001 Coweeta LTER Winter ALL-PI Meeting. Manuscript on file. Coweeta LTER, University of Georgia.

2002 Coweeta LTER Annual Report. Manuscript on file. Coweeta LTER, University of Georgia.

2002 Coweeta LTER Summer Science Meeting. Manuscript on file. Coweeta LTER, University of Georgia.

2002 Coweeta LTER Winter ALL-PI Meeting. Manuscript on file. Coweeta LTER, University of Georgia.

2003 Coweeta LTER Annual Report. Manuscript on file. Coweeta LTER, University of Georgia.

2003 Coweeta LTER Summer Science Meeting. Manuscript on file. Coweeta LTER, University of Georgia.

2003 Coweeta LTER Winter ALL-PI Meeting. Manuscript on file. Coweeta LTER, University of Georgia.

2004 Coweeta LTER Annual Report. Manuscript on file. Coweeta LTER, University of Georgia.

2004 Coweeta LTER Summer Science Meeting. Manuscript on file. Coweeta LTER, University of Georgia.

2004 Coweeta LTER Winter ALL-PI Meeting. Manuscript on file. Coweeta LTER, University of Georgia.

2005 Coweeta LTER Annual Report. Manuscript on file. Coweeta LTER, University of Georgia.

2005 Coweeta LTER Summer Science Meeting. Manuscript on file. Coweeta LTER, University of Georgia.

2005 Coweeta LTER Winter ALL-PI Meeting. Manuscript on file. Coweeta LTER, University of Georgia.

2006 Coweeta LTER Annual Report. Manuscript on file. Coweeta LTER, University of Georgia.

2006 Coweeta LTER Summer Science Meeting. Manuscript on file. Coweeta LTER, University of Georgia.

2006 Coweeta LTER Winter ALL-PI Meeting. Manuscript on file. Coweeta LTER, University of Georgia.

2007 Coweeta LTER Annual Report. Manuscript on file. Coweeta LTER, University of Georgia.

2008 Coweeta LTER Annual Report. Manuscript on file. Coweeta LTER, University of Georgia.

2009 Coweeta LTER Annual Report. Manuscript on file. Coweeta LTER, University of Georgia.

2009 Coweeta LTER Summer Science Meeting. Manuscript on file. Coweeta LTER, University of Georgia.

2009 Coweeta LTER Winter All-PI Meeting. Manuscript on file. Coweeta LTER, University of Georgia.

2010 Coweeta LTER Annual Report. Manuscript on file. Coweeta LTER, University of Georgia.

2010 Coweeta LTER Winter All-PI Meeting. Manuscript on file. Coweeta LTER, University of Georgia.

2011 Coweeta Long Term Ecological Research Program. Panel Mid-term Review Report. Manuscript on File, University of Georgia.

2011 Coweeta LTER Annual Report. Manuscript on file. Coweeta LTER, University of Georgia.

2011 Coweeta LTER Mid-Term Review: Site Review Information Pamphlet. Manuscript on file. Coweeta LTER, University of Georgia.

2011 Coweeta LTER Winter All-PI Meeting. Manuscript on file. Coweeta LTER, University of Georgia.

2012 Coweeta Long Term Ecological Research: Informational Brochure. Manuscript on File, University of Georgia.

2012 Coweeta LTER Annual Report. Manuscript on file. Coweeta LTER, University of Georgia.

2012 Coweeta LTER Summer Science Meeting. Manuscript on file. Coweeta LTER, University of Georgia.

2012 Coweeta LTER Winter All-PI Meeting. Manuscript on file. Coweeta LTER, University of Georgia.

2012 CWT LTER Science Advisory Committee Meeting Notes, 27 June 2012. Manuscript on File, University of Georgia.

2013 Coweeta LTER Annual Report. Manuscript on File, University of Georgia.

2013 Coweeta LTER Field Station and Marine Labs Grant Annual Report: Near-Real Time Data Streaming from the Coweeta LTER Environmental Sensor Network. Pages 6 in: Manuscript on file. Coweeta LTER, University of Georgia., Athens, GA.

2013 Coweeta LTER Summer Science Meeting. Manuscript on file. Coweeta LTER, University of Georgia.

2013 Coweeta LTER Winter All-PI Meeting. Manuscript on file. Coweeta LTER, University of Georgia.

2014 Coweeta LTER Annual Report. Manuscript on File, University of Georgia.

2014 Coweeta LTER Summer Science Meeting. Manuscript on file. Coweeta LTER, University of Georgia.

2014 Coweeta LTER Winter All-PI Meeting. Manuscript on file. Coweeta LTER, University of Georgia.

2015 Coweeta LTER Annual Report. Manuscript on file. Coweeta LTER, University of Georgia.

2015 Coweeta LTER Summer Science Meeting. Manuscript on file. Coweeta LTER, University of Georgia.

2015 Coweeta LTER Winter All-PI Meeting. Manuscript on file. Coweeta LTER, University of Georgia.

2016 Coweeta LTER Annual Report. Manuscript on file. Coweeta LTER, University of Georgia.

2016 Coweeta LTER Winter All-PI Meeting. Manuscript on file. Coweeta LTER, University of Georgia.

2017 Coweeta LTER Annual Report. Manuscript on file. Coweeta LTER, University of Georgia.

2017 Coweeta LTER Summer Science Meeting. Manuscript on file. Coweeta LTER, University of Georgia.

2017 Coweeta LTER Winter All-PI Meeting. Manuscript on file. Coweeta LTER, University of Georgia.

2018 Coweeta LTER Summer Meeting, Manuscript on file. Coweeta LTER, University of Georgia

2018 Coweeta LTER Winter All-PI Meeting. Manuscript on file. Coweeta LTER, University of Georgia.

Ahl, E. and C. Hampton. 2010. A herpetological inventory at three sites in the southern appalachians. Institute for the Environment Highland Field Site 2010 Internship Research Reports. Highlands Biological Station, Highlands, NC.

Ahl, E., K. Anderson, W. C. Combs, C. Hampton, T. Henninger, G. Hobson, M. Houser, K. Jernigan, N. Liles, S. Murphy, E. Nash, M. Ruigrok, A. Hinkle, S. Foster. 2010. Water quality monitoring of the upper cullasaja watershed, Highlands, North Carolina. Institute for the Environment Highland Field Site 2010 Internship Research Reports. Highlands Biological Station, Highlands, NC.

Arcerio, A., 2011. Analysis of physiological variations to estimate leaf gas exchange in a mixed hardwood forest. Institute for the Environment, Highlands Field Site, 2011 Internship Research Reports, Highlands Biological Station, Highlands, North Carolina

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